
HRX Recruitment

HRX Recruitment is a fast-paced and experienced dynamic team, located in Bangladesh (South Asia) - Has footprints in serving numerous big brands and individuals in the fields of Professionals Recruitment (Talent Acquisition & RPO) and Students Recruitment (Study Abroad & EFL).

About Us

Services Overview

HRX has divided its services into two segments Professionals Recruitment (Talent Acquisition and RPO) and Students Recruitment (Study Abroad & EFL).

Professionals Recruitment

Recruitment - Talent Acquisition

 C Level Recruitment (Such as CEO, CFO, CHRO, CTO, COO, etc.)
 Technical Recruitment (Such as Professionals in Engineering, IT, Quality, etc.)
 Healthcare Recruitment (Such as Nurse, Carer, Medical Executives, etc.)
 Business Executives Recruitment (Such as Professionals in Sales & Marketing, HR, Accounting & Finance, Supply Chain, etc.)

HRX Recruitment assists its clients in hiring the qualified and topnotch professionals for various vacancies at their organizations. The team puts the best effort to represent its clients in the industry and find the best players for the organization who can ultimately contribute to the growth and to obtain strategic objects.

Typical Work Process & Service Cycle Includes:

- Position Allocation, JD Discussion and Queries Meetup
- Job Posting / Vacancy Announcement
- CV Sourcing – From Job Posts and Announcements
- Talent Sourcing (Manually Searching Candidates)
- CV Screening, Assessment and Short-listing
- Interviewing, Candidate Assessment and Shortlisting
- Pool Submission, Discussion and Further Processing
- Finalization, Placement, and Follow-ups
- Replacement (If Required)

Other than sourcing the candidates, the team also ensures - All the candidates are appropriately communicated and all necessary key information are provided during the hiring process to reduce any miscommunication before jumping on to any interview and panel discussion.

Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO)

 Job Design & Development
 Candidate's Background Verification
 Onboarding & Compliance Management
 Recruitment Documentations Development
 Resource & Performance Analysis & Evaluation
 Recruitment Policies & Procedures Development

HRX provides customized functional support to its clients to run and develop a smooth Recruitment Process. The team assists with individual recruitment segments as well as a package as a whole to meet the requirements.

- Job Design & Development: The team analyses the existing and potential job areas for the organization. Based on the data, advices required Professionals, Job Descriptions, and Skills & Qualifications.

- Candidate's Background Verification: HRX offers basic background verification services such as a. Educational Certificates Verification b. Previous Employment Verification c. Reference Check d. Social Media Activities Check.  

- Onboarding & Compliance Management: Helps to onboard candidates following the Labour Laws and company policies and practices.   

- Recruitment Documentations Development: The team assists the clients with upgrading the total documentations requirements for the recruitment process.   

- Resource & Performance Analysis & Evaluation: The team checks and comments on the individual and team performances using models and tools.

- Recruitment Policies and Procedures Developments: Helps with restructuring recruitment policy manual and practices to secure best recruitment standards.

Send CV: We get multiple vacancies to work with throughout the years. Checkout our current job openings on our Linkedin page if anything matches to your profile, interest and experiences. If yes, email us your CV mentioning the designation in the subject-line. Also, you may send us your CV in advance for future reference and potential openings at

Industry Specializations: We're covering A-Z marketplace and meeting multiple industry requirements but may point out few as RMG & Textile, IT, FMCGs, Engineering, Automobile, Pharmaceuticals, Financials, etc.

We're Growing Fast!

Vacancies Dealt

Students Recruitment

HRX Education team provides Study Abroad Assistance to professionals and non-professionals and run EFL Programs through online and at flexible schedules particularly for the benefits of the job holders and who are not in the comfort for distance living.

We’ve UK Certified Counsellors for study abroad consultancy and experienced EFL and IELTS teachers to conduct our classes. We've already joined and are joining as agent and sub-agents under the universities and education consultancy firms.

Study Abroad Assistance

✅University & Program Search

✅Admission Application Processing

✅IELTS Registration

English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Programs

⤴️IELTS Preparation:

✅IELTS Preparation Course

✅IELTS Individual Module Preparation

✅IELTS Mock Test & Final Exam Planning

⤴️English For Special Purpose (ESP):

✅Business English

✅Listening Efficiency

✅Reading Efficiency

✅Writing Efficiency

✅Speaking Efficiency

Country Specializations: United Kingdom.

Leadership Team

Md. Hasibur Rahman

Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Hasib is the Founder of HRX Recruitment and acting as the CEO for the concern. At present, he is progressing to complete his Doctorate of Business Administration from UK. He is a Recruitment & Educational Consultant and has significant years of experience in recruitment and business support services. He served many business organizations and professional consultancy firms (Including Big 4). He has completed numerous recruitment placements and has significant experience serving in business operations.

Mohiuddin Zia

Chief Consultant

Mr. Zia is one of the Partners of HRX Recruitment and acting as the Chief Consultant (CC) for the concern. At present, he is a PhD Candidate in Leadership at University Putra, Malaysia. He bears significant years of experience in the management role at many renowned organizations in Bangladesh. He has completed his Bachelor from East West University, Master's from University of South Wales (UK), and MPhil from Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP).   

Our Appearance: Naming, Logo, Motive

M/s. HRX HUB (Legal Name): The name simply drawn from the concept of ‘X’ in mathematics – Where ‘HR’ denotes Human Resources; and ‘X’ denotes anything regards to HR such as services, professionals, consultancy, etc. And, ‘Hub’ is used to simplify center – The center for HRX solution.

HRX Recruitment (Trade Name):
The logo has been made with a combination of Magenta, Gray, White, and Black colours. Here, X is the entity appears magenta shows our personality of compassion, power, energy, kindness and cooperation. The background gray shows our strength, seriousness and, maturity; white circle indicates transparency of service cycle; and the black circle manifests our prestige.

Vision and Mission:
The motive is to create a solid network within the professionals’ community and merge the employers and job seekers with perfect desire through executive search and job placements and to benefit both of them for business and career growth.

Our Slogan:
Connecting Talents

Why Us?

Flexible Engagement & Payment After Successful Placements & Task Completion

Experienced & Pro-active Consultancy and Teaching Teams

Cost Effective & Comparatively Lower Fee

Strong Professional and Institutional Connectivity

Consistent Communication During Job & Replacement Facilities

Fast Moving Friendly Team - Work Smartly & Transparently

Experienced In Sourcing - Technical & Non-Technical Professionals

Interviewing & Negotiation Capacity With Senior & C-Suite Candidates

Managing Capacity of Multiple Projects at-a-time

Legally Incorporated

Proudly Representing Bangladesh

Legal and Necessary Information:
Business Category: Partnership Firm (Number of Partners: 03)
Legal Name: M/s. HRX HUB (Trade Name: HRX Recruitment)
RJSC Certificate Number: * Confidential
Trade Licence Issued By: Dhaka Cantonment Board
TIN Number: 752020439936
BIN Number: 005571745-0401
Founded On: 08 December 2022 (Launched On: 01 February 2023)

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